Sunday, April 22, 2012

Across Texas to Palo Duro Canyon

A quick post to everyone. Not very good cell service here and no wireless. But since Leslie has been so good about posting everyday I wanted to put something out there so everyone would not think we drove off a cliff or something. I am trying this from the iPad which is the only thing that can get any signal. We drove the Chisholm trail today and saw lots of giant windmills, oil rigs, and cows. We also stopped at the Cherokee Trading Post. Arrived early evening at Palo Duro Canyon State Park near Amarillo, Texas. Drove down to our campsite which is actually inside the canyon looking up from the bottom. I can see why they call this the Grand Canyon of Texas. The views are breathtaking. It's hard to upload photos to the blog because of signal strength, so you may not hear from us until Tuesday when we arrive in Carlsbad Caverns, New Mexico. Since I can't send photos, here's a link to Palo Duro Canyon's website: - Posted by Ted

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